Decalogue. What the 10 Commandments Really Say

Moses received 10 commandments that the nation of Israel was to fulfill. The 10 commandments were part of the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law, depending on how we count, had between 400 and over 600 rules. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there were positiv...

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What Spirit is Guiding Him? How to Recognize Liars?

We have a beautiful Biblical principle that tells who comes from the true God and who does not. We apply this principle to verifying people, but also to songs, poems, etc: “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are fr...

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Are We Meant to Be Like-Minded in Everything?

The words of the apostle Paul show that we are to strive for unanimity. Thanks to this, there will be no divisions, arguments and different opinions on a given Biblical topic: “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Yeshu Christ, that ...

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Who is the Destroyer in John’s Revelation?

In Revelation we have a character named: Abaddon/Apollyon. He is a destroyer. His purpose is to punish bad people. Does the Destroyer act on the orders of God or satan? Is he an angel of satan or is he an angel of God? Let’s investigate. 1 – A star fal...

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Dreams. Is it worth it worrying about them? Where do they come from?

Dreams… there may be a dilemma on this topic. We have verses that warn against dreams, but there are also verses that describe the transmission of information from God through dreams. What should we do if we dream of something important and consider the drea...

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Is Aeon Life Earned by Grace or Works?

We have verses that talk about aeon life, about salvation by grace. On the other hand, we have guidelines, laws, and rules of conduct addressed to Christians. Why did God give us the rules of faith if salvation is earned by grace? Before we get to the conclusi...

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Remembrance of Christ’s Death – the Lord’s Supper

We celebrate the remembrance of the death of Christ with the correct name Yeshu every year: 14 Abib after sunset. Why did we take the date from the Old Testament? Why don’t we keep the Memorial at the time when Christ died on the cross? Because we are co...

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Way To The Cross – Part 2

Here is the second part of the article about Christ’s path to the cross. Here is the first part: 7 – Eating of the Memorial bread: „For as often as you eat this Bre...

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The Way to the Cross – Part 1

According to calculations, the most important holiday of the year, the Memorial of Christ’s death, is celebrated on March 24: Let me remind you that this is the only holiday ...

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Are You Interested in Living Forever?

The statement „the world is at war” is not an exaggerated opinion. Of course, military war does not exist in every corner of the world. Currently, two blocs are implementing their military plans. The American bloc and the Chinese-Russian bloc are d...

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How Has God Organized the World?

Everything that was created was very good. This is how God described His work: “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good indeed. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day.” – Genesis 1:31. From this it follows that everything on earth, e...

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Is The Good News Preached to The Dead?

“For this reason the gospel was also preached to those who are now dead (3498), so that, although they might be judged in the flesh according to human standards, they might live in the spirit (4151) according to God’s standards.” – 1 Peter 4:6. To...

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Immersion For The Dead

„Otherwise what will they do who are being immersed for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, then why are people immersed for them? Why are we in danger every hour?” – 1 Corinthians 15:29-30. Word 5228 means: Biblehub • 5228 hypér...

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Women Were Prophetesses and Deaconesses

Could women serve in the congregation? Can they express their biblical opinions? Can they lecture men? The Apostle Paul had strong words for women: „A woman is to learn quietly with full submission. I do not allow a woman to teach (1321) or to have autho...

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