Yeshu or Yesu?


***Before we begin the article, I would just like to clarify that the correct spelling of the name of Christ is Jeshu/Jesu. However, during transliteration to English, the spelling is changed to Yeshu/Yesu ONLY so that the name could be pronounced correctly. ***

We already know that Christ’s name was not: „Jesus” or any of the other falsified forms. Every person who cares about Biblical truth knows this.
Unfortunately, many Christians are not interested in
the truth. They chose tradition, the human message, the message of religion, instead of the Biblical truth.
Yet we are commanded to check everything in the Bible:

Don’t despise prophecies, but test all things…” – 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21.

Here I explained how to study the Scriptures

Now let’s check if Christ’s name was Yeshu or Yesu.
First, let’s quickly recall why examining Christ’s true name is important.

1 – Only in this name there is salvation:

There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12

“Yeshu told him, „I Am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” – John 14:6.

If a Christian truly believes in God, the Scripture informs us that salvation is only in Christ. There is no salvation in names such as „Mother of God, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha” or other deities.
And this is basic information for every person who believes in the words of God.
Not only is there salvation/rescue only in Christ, but also in the correct name of Christ. Therefore, it is important to focus on the topic and examine what this name is:

2 – The commandment of faith in the name of Christ:

“Now this is His command: that we believe in the name of His Son, Yeshu Christ, and love one another as He commanded us.” – 1 John 3:23.

“Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the Name of the One and Only Son of God.” – John 3:18

This is the second powerful condition of faith: faith in the name of Christ.
God foresaw this… He foresaw that many false names of Christ would arise, so in the Scriptures we have faith not only in the Figure of Christ, in His teachings, but also in His name.
Many people will find this information surprising because religions do not teach it.
The general teachings of many religions are: „it doesn’t matter what
the name is, what matters is that you believe in something.”
I’m sorry, Reader, but God does NOT agree with this opinion.
How do we know this?

From the Bible verses I am presenting in this article. And if you want to learn more about this topic, you will find many other verses like this.
I’m just presenting a few of them.
I encourage you to research the topic.
Yeshu or Yesu?

Once you have researched the topic, Reader, you may have a dilemma. Since the Bible tells us that we are to believe in the name, where the word „name” is in the singular, it means that the name is one. However, when we examine the Old and New Testaments, we discover two names for Christ.
Let’s see where the problem lies.
The name of Christ in the New Testament, in Greek, has a number in Strong’s dictionary:

2424 LINK. This word means: Savior.

The word 2424 comes from the Hebrew word: 3091 LINK.

The word 3091 comes from: Yhvh– 3068 and yasha– 3467.

YHWH(3068) is the name of God from the Old Testament. Many religions twist this name to „Yahweh, Jehovah.” However, when we examine this word in dictionaries, it has four letters: YHWH.
Yasha(3467) is a verb and means: to deliver, to save, to free, to win, to deliver.
In both Hebrew words: Yhvh and yasha, from which Christ’s name comes, there is no letter „
So why did they call Christ „
Jezus” in Polish?
The variation of Christ’s name in the New Testament in Greek looks like this:

ιησου = Iesou = Yesu

ι – I – I

η – e – e

σ – S – s

ου – OU – u

Denominator: ιησους – Iesous – Yesu-s e.g. Luke 4:1

Genitive: ιησου – Iesou – Yesu e.g. Matthew 1:1.

Dative/indirect: ιησου – Iesou – Yesu e.g. Luke 6:11.

Accusative: ιησουν – Iesoun – Yesu-n e.g. Luke 5:12.

Vocative: ιησου – Iesou – Yesu e.g. Luke 4:34.


The Greek name: Yesu + variations is supported by the fact that God knew that there is no „sh” in the Greek language, so the name will be written: Yesu + variations. This is the name written in the New Testament. This is how it was written when the angel gave the name to Joseph:

She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Yesu-n(accusative), because He will save His people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21.

In other words, this was the name given to Christ.
Name: Yeshu, is the Hebrew form of the name Yesu. But actually, in Hebrew we can read this name in two ways: Yesu and Yeshu.

This is how the name is spelled in Hebrew:ישוע

The second letter with the number: 21 – ש we can read as s or sh. That’s why we have Yeshu and/or Yesu.

From this we can conclude that both forms are correct.
However, for a detailed examination, the reader can judge for himself what is more important:
• the name given by the angel to Joseph and Christ’s mother, written in Greek?
Or the name written in Hebrew as the original?
Or maybe both issues, both questions, are equally important?


Author: Robert Brzoza

Translator: Hubert Brzoza

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