Original Sin – Are We Still Living In Sin?

Let’s answer the question: is it because of the decisions of Adam and Eve, the so-called original sin, that we still live in sin? No matter what we do, we still have sin? Freed from sin “For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the ...

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Trans Humanism. New Religion. New World

“Gnosticism is “the religion of people who consider themselves machines.” And this view actually manifests itself in various ways in trans humanist political projects – from the belief that artificial intelligence algorithms will know us well enoug...

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Original Sin. Is a Child Born Sinful?

„Original sin is the Christian doctrine stating that humans, through their act of birth, inherit a corrupt nature with a tendency to sinful behavior in need of regeneration. The Biblical basis for this belief can generally be found in Genesis 3 (the stor...

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Did Christ drink alcohol during the Passover?

This is an interesting topic because it concerns the most important Christian holiday. Followers of the true Christ with the name Yeshu/Yesu participate in it. This holiday is The Memorial of Christ’s Death. Christ ordered this holiday to be celebrated. The ...

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Yeshu or Yesu?

***Before we begin the article, I would just like to clarify that the correct spelling of the name of Christ is Jeshu/Jesu. However, during transliteration to English, the spelling is changed to Yeshu/Yesu ONLY so that the name could be pronounced correctly. *...

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Which Bible is True? How to Search the Scriptures?

Biblical skeptics are very right when they say that Bible translations are inaccurate or even fragmentarily distorted. But this fact is not a reason to reject, not read, not analyze the Bible, or to even say that it is false. The teachings of Christ, transmitt...

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Alcohol in the Bible. Is Drinking Allowed?

We have numerous verses that warn against drinking alcohol. Let’s see two of them: „Don’t gaze at wine because it is red, because it gleams in the cup and goes down smoothly. In the end it bites like a snake and stings like a viper. Your eyes will se...

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What Are You Going to Do About it? Be Stable…

Stability in life is a goal that every person should strive for. In this state, we have our lives, work, finances and family in order. To be successful in this, we need a hard glue that will connect the mentioned goals. This glue is: spiritual stability. What ...

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Can a Marriage Be Dissolved Because of Spiritual Fornication?

We must emphasize this: God does NOT want divorces. He wants married couples to fight for love, for truth, for respect: https://zastopujczas.pl/biblia/english/when-is-a-relationship-recognized-as-marriage-by-god/ However, what to do when one of the spouses has...

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When is a Relationship Recognized as Marriage by God?

They live together, sleep in the same bed. They do not have a civil marriage. Are they married? Second example: they have a civil wedding, but they live as if they had gotten a divorce. Are they still married in this situation? Let’s look at this topic f...

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Decalogue. What the 10 Commandments Really Say

Moses received 10 commandments that the nation of Israel was to fulfill. The 10 commandments were part of the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law, depending on how we count, had between 400 and over 600 rules. This discrepancy is due to the fact that there were positiv...

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What Spirit is Guiding Him? How to Recognize Liars?

We have a beautiful Biblical principle that tells who comes from the true God and who does not. We apply this principle to verifying people, but also to songs, poems, etc: “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are fr...

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Are We Meant to Be Like-Minded in Everything?

The words of the apostle Paul show that we are to strive for unanimity. Thanks to this, there will be no divisions, arguments and different opinions on a given Biblical topic: “Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Yeshu Christ, that ...

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Who is the Destroyer in John’s Revelation?

In Revelation we have a character named: Abaddon/Apollyon. He is a destroyer. His purpose is to punish bad people. Does the Destroyer act on the orders of God or satan? Is he an angel of satan or is he an angel of God? Let’s investigate. 1 – A star fal...

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Dreams. Is it worth it worrying about them? Where do they come from?

Dreams… there may be a dilemma on this topic. We have verses that warn against dreams, but there are also verses that describe the transmission of information from God through dreams. What should we do if we dream of something important and consider the drea...

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Is Aeon Life Earned by Grace or Works?

We have verses that talk about aeon life, about salvation by grace. On the other hand, we have guidelines, laws, and rules of conduct addressed to Christians. Why did God give us the rules of faith if salvation is earned by grace? Before we get to the conclusi...

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Remembrance of Christ’s Death – the Lord’s Supper

We celebrate the remembrance of the death of Christ with the correct name Yeshu every year: 14 Abib after sunset. Why did we take the date from the Old Testament? Why don’t we keep the Memorial at the time when Christ died on the cross? Because we are co...

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