Trans Humanism. New Religion. New World


“Gnosticism is “the religion of people who consider themselves machines.” And this view actually manifests itself in various ways in trans humanist political projects – from the belief that artificial intelligence algorithms will know us well enough to make decisions for us in the future city of Auken, to the hope for immortality in the form of transferring the human mind to computer, which goes in line with what Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk and other prominent figures in the world of digital technologies propagate.

Mind uploading is the culmination of the Gnostic pursuit of liberation from the body. Although trans humanists are looking for means to achieve immortality also in the material dimension, through genetics and biotechnology, transferring the mind to a computer seems to solve the problem of death once and for all. If I copy my mind to a computer, I will gain a second life that can be maintained or interrupted at any time. At least that’s the idea.
Assuming that this scenario is indeed possible, there is no doubt that such „posthumous existence” would be inhuman by definition. Separation from the body would perhaps create a computer program capable of deliberating, reasoning and giving advice – but there is no reason to believe that it would functionally be a specific person’s mind that was copied: that it would have similar desires, likes, fears to hers and hopes that motivate every living person and constitute their identity. Humanity would not be saved in this way, its survival would not be assured.
So if this is absurd – and the luminaries of
trans humanism are aware of it, even subcutaneously – where does the popularity of this idea come from? This narrative is necessary to fill the gap created by the elimination of traditional religion. Nothing temporal and earthly gives meaning to human actions as strongly as eschatology. Modern Gnosticism, based on the deification of the human mind, therefore needs a resurrection to give it a reason for existence.
Let us recall the lifestyle of the Gnostic sects: lack of property, radical asceticism, vegetarianism, if sex, only sex that does not lead to procreation, praise of suicide. The worst thing about all this is not living in a
trans humanist future, but that it leads unmistakably to the extinction of humanity. And what’s more – that it will be accepted by people as a „scientific necessity” – source

Trans humanism is another cluster of words intended to sound proud and modern. You may not understand it, but you have to support it, Dear Reader.
Trans humanism is a new religion that is already bringing its harvest of death.
The Polish parliament voted on a bill that allows the murder of babies up to 12 weeks old. It’s called…decriminalization of abortion. They couldn’t call it: murdering babies up to 12 weeks old.
What was the result?

„215 MPs voted for the adoption of the act, 218 MPs voted against it, and 2 MPs abstained.” – writes PAP.

In other words: 215 deputies allowed the murder of children, and two people did not know whether they could allow it or not.
And we
have to remember here: Katyn, Volhynia…
Most of the political world strives to murder children and to accept pedophilia. In some countries they encourage children to take part in sexual activity. Already in… kindergarten.

They are rewiring children because kids are defenseless and will not object. A man dressed as a lady or vice versa will smile nicely, sing a song and offer sweets. Children like to play, smile and be happy. They take advantage of it.
I know, parents should be on guard. But most of them are busy.
They barely have time to pick up their kids from kindergarten or school, let alone have the time to fight trans humanism and the digitalization of the world.

There will be consequences… one day you won’t recognize your child… Not only may he or she change gender, but they may also seek to euthanize you more quickly. Because you leave a very dangerous carbon footprint… The child will believe that he or she is working for a good cause.
What will you do, Reader, when your child buys you a brilliant program called mind transfer?
For your benefit, they will forcibly copy your mind. It may sound harmless, it
seems like some medical innovation. After brain emulation (another name for this service), when you leave the hospital it will turn out that you are no longer a human, but a machine connected to a computer. Now you can be… immortal…

Yes, Reader, you are thinking right… on the one hand, they care about our immortality, on the other hand, they want to kill us, exploit us, control us.
Well… this is their new world. They pretend to be
a creator, they think they can create a new man. They have the so-called artificial intelligence. But first they have to program it with their sick ideas, sick science and all kinds of lies. Later they say that the ai is smarter than man and you have to listen to it.
And when you copy your mind and enter their world, you will see this inscription: „Welcome to the digital world. You just lost your free will. Now the computer will decide for you what to eat, where to go, who to vote for, etc.
These are sick visions that billions of people on Earth fall victim to.
How can they not see this…
Dear reader, please don’t fall for their trap. Study, read, learn to recognize the truth in every field: from faith/religion to health and finances.


Author: Robert Brzoza

Translator: Hubert Brzoza

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